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It takes years of practice for a snooker player to master the table. But to master the cue itself – bending, looping and curving shots at impossible angles – that takes innovation, creativity and a certain disregard for physics. 

Snooker may look like a genteel game of angles and precision. But it has a daring side too, embodied by gravity-defying trick shots that seem to warp the limits of the possible.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the most jaw-dropping trick shots that demonstrate incredible cue manipulation skills. From backspin curves to targeted ricochets, we’ll uncover the secrets top players use to achieve the unthinkable. 

By examining exactly how physics is turned on its head, we can appreciate these magical shots for the remarkable feats of skill they represent.

Let’s dive into the finest examples of trickery from snooker’s greatest shotmakers.

Curving Cues: Using Backspin for Control

Some of the most astounding trick shots in snooker use heavy backspin to make the cue ball curve in a controlled arc. Sidespin can also redirect the ball mid-motion.

By striking the cue ball slightly below center, players like Ronnie O’Sullivan can make it veer sideways along a curved trajectory. The initial backward spin causes the ball to slow down, allowing friction to grab and curve it.


This permits shots that go around obstacles by bending along a rainbow-like path. Sidespin adds swerve too, letting players adjusted the ball’s course.

Smart Ricochets: Planning Creative Caroms

By lining up slick combinations of rebounds, snooker artists invent new ways to clear the table when conventional shots won’t cut it.

Clever players calculate ricochet angles that link unlikely shots via rebounds off cushions. Complex caroms let them pocket balls situated awkwardly or blocked by other colors.

In trick shot displays, massé shots hit with extreme topspin can rebound off multiple rails to reach balls that seem inaccessible. Carefully planned 1-cushion, 2-cushion and 3-cushion ricochets make the impossible possible.

Pushing Limits: Manipulating Speed and Spin

Extremely slick tables allow players to expand the potential of trick shots. With ultra-fine control of speed, spin and stroke, they can achieve incredible effects.

Top players also use extended cues to perform shots inconceivable with a standard stick. Some can even massé with their feet or pocket balls without any cue at all.

Exhibition shots strike the cue ball so lightly, it barely has enough pace to reach its target. Others apply so much sidespin, the ball wildly changes trajectory mid-roll.

By pushing spin, speed and stroke mechanics to their limits, trick shot specialists dream up never-before-seen ways to manipulate the cue ball.


Snooker may have a restrained reputation, but in the hands of its greatest showmen, the sport’s capacity for wonder is limitless.

With imaginative vision, calculated physics and absolute mastery of the cue, they transform trick shots from impossible fantasies into jaw-dropping reality.

So while part of snooker’s appeal lies in its technical precision, we must also celebrate moments of imagination and joy that transcend all expectations. When skill meets creativity, conventions get tossed out the window in pursuit of achieving the audacious.

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