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Box cricket, also known as indoor cricket, has carved a niche for itself in the world of sports. This fast-paced and exhilarating variation of traditional cricket offers a unique and exciting experience for players and spectators alike. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of box cricket rules and some of its quirks that make the game truly one-of-a-kind.

Chapter 1: The Player Dynamics in Box Cricket

Gathering a full cricket team of 11 players can be a daunting task, especially at an amateur level. To make things more manageable and ensure an enjoyable game, box cricket is often played with smaller teams. The most common formats are 6 vs. 6 or 8 vs. 8. In mixed-gender matches, both teams typically have an equal number of female players, adding inclusivity to the game.

Chapter 2: The No-Dot Ball Rule

Box cricket is all about action and quick scoring, which is why it’s usually played with 5 to 10 overs per side. To maintain the game’s fast pace, a unique rule known as the “3-dot ball rule” is often enforced. If a batsman fails to score a run for three consecutive deliveries, they are declared out. This rule keeps the scoreboard ticking and ensures that every player is actively engaged in the game.

Chapter 3: Runs Deducted for Wickets

In traditional cricket, bowlers often find it challenging to contain batsmen. Box cricket, on the other hand, offers some relief to bowlers. For every wicket lost, a certain number of runs are deducted from the batting side’s total. This rule levels the playing field, giving bowlers a fighting chance. Typically, 5 runs are deducted for each wicket, but this may vary depending on local rules.

Chapter 4: The Jackpot Ball/Over

Box cricket introduces a thrilling concept called the “jackpot ball” or “jackpot over” to compensate for the lack of power plays in the initial overs. The last ball of each inning is designated as the jackpot ball, where runs scored by the batsman are doubled. Some leagues take it a step further with an entire jackpot over, where all runs scored in the last over of an inning are doubled. However, there’s a catch – if a wicket falls during the jackpot ball/over, the runs lost for the wicket are also doubled. It’s a high-risk, high-reward scenario that adds an exciting twist to the game.

In addition to the standard modes of dismissal seen in traditional cricket, box cricket introduces some unique ways a batsman can be dismissed. One common mode is when the ball goes directly out of the designated playing area without bouncing or touching anyone inside. This rule encourages careful shot selection, especially for power hitters. Some box cricket games are played with nets all around the playing area, and in such cases, a batsman can be dismissed if caught off a ball rebounding off the net without hitting the ground or the scoring boards. These variations keep the game fresh and unpredictable.

Chapter 5: Modes of Dismissal

Chapter 6: Scoring High with Unique Shots

In box cricket, hitting a six doesn’t always mean scoring the maximum number of runs. With scoring boards placed at different heights on the net, batsmen can score as high as 8 or 10 runs with a well-placed shot. It adds an element of strategy to the game, making players think creatively about how to maximize their scores.

Chapter 7: The Roof of the Net

Many box cricket facilities have a net roof to prevent the ball from going out of play. The rules regarding the ball hitting the roof of the net can vary. In some places, it’s considered a dead ball with no runs or dismissals. In others, a ball caught after hitting the roof is considered a wicket. These nuances make each game of box cricket unique and adaptable to local preferences.


Box cricket is not just a sport; it’s an exhilarating journey filled with unique rules and quirks that set it apart from traditional cricket. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, these rules add a layer of excitement and unpredictability to the game. So, gather your friends, step into the box cricket arena, and prepare for a thrilling experience that combines skill, strategy, and a dash of creativity. Box cricket is more than just a game; it’s a delightful adventure waiting to unfold!

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